Sallyanne Monti is an award-winning author, editor, and storyteller. Her descriptive, provocative, and compelling narratives draw readers into page-turning tales. Sallyanne's Light at the End of the Tunnel, A Memoir steeps the reader in heartfelt candor and an abundance of Monti's unique wit. Her fiction and non-fiction short stories, poems, and articles have appeared in numerous anthologies, magazines, and newspapers.
Now Available
Light at the End of the Tunnel, A Memoir
A suspenseful, page-turning, true love story, for all people!
Can love conquer all in this award-winning true story of fate and destiny, hopeless long-distance romance, and coming out?
"As surely as I was breathing was the certainty that everything was about to change and change in a big way. I took a deep breathe as I thought to myself, I better stop and appreciate this day and this time and this life, because something huge was on the horizon.”​
The vast majority of the lesbian romances I’ve read have been fiction, and I never thought I’d get to read a true one that could give those fictional stories a run for their money, but here it is! This is a wonderful, sometimes painful, but amazing tale of two women who were clearly meant to be together, no matter what life threw at them… It’s an incredible story, and the telling of it really sucks you in… It’s lovely but here’s a warning: do not read without some tissues at your side. – Rachel Wells, Curve Magazine